The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia is calling all Georgia artists for its 4th installment of the biennial exhibition Gathered IV: Georgia Artists Selecting Georgia Artists.
2019 esteemed jurors Kevin Cole, Mario Petrirena, and Lisa Tuttle are committed to offering not only the breadth of talent across the state of Georgia, but also the depth. The exhibition has steadily evolved over the last thirteen years from its original incarnation: Within State Lines, which took place in 2006 and 2009, to Georgia Artists Selecting Georgia Artists, 2013 and 2015, and finally, to Gathered: Georgia Artists Selecting Georgia Artists. The MOCA GA mission is fully realized within this project as artists are involved in all phases of the exhibition, including selection and review.
In the 2017 incarnation of Gathered, jurors further developed the preceding selection process and criteria in their decision to select fewer participants than in previous years, while exhibiting multiple works by individual artists. As a result, a rich group exhibition celebrating the aptitude and scope of close to 40 Georgia artists was unveiled. This year, the jurors have decided to continue in this vein and broaden the scope of artwork by inviting applicants to submit any and all media works ranging from small scale (a few inches) up 10’ in height (150 lb limit for wall-hung works, and 300 lb limit for sculpture).